And after, we went Halloween costume shopping. I hadn't really asked Claire what she wanted to be until today. I had no idea what she would come up with.
"Alright Claire, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
"Hm.... I want to be... Like my DADDY!"
And as luck would have it, we found just the thing. And in her size too!

And also, Happy Birthday Jim! Hope you had a great day and felt all the birthday wishes we were sending your way. I think Claire sang "Happy Birthday" about 27 times, and wore her green party dress for the occasion.

Love the pic of Claire with the purple sweater - how old is she now? 10?
Thanks for the bday wishes and what a goofy picture - I can't believe that guy is wearing a cheesehead!
I loved that birthdday song, Claire! Love your sweater too!
Happy Birthday to you, Sheila!!
One of my favorite Jimmer pictures.
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