Last night was the lunar eclipse, and we (mostly me) were really excited to see it through the telescope Claire got for Christmas this year. It was very cool, all rusty red and brown. And we had the bonus of seeing Saturn, which is at its closest and brightest this month, and its rings as well. And for even more fun, the telescope comes with a camera, so I was able to take a few pictures. I am still learning how to use it, there are a few features I didn't figure out last night, but here is what I got:

The rosy red moon and Saturn. I believe there is not a zoom option with the camera, but there are features for sharpness and contrast/white balance etc. And also, Saturn is pictured on its side, but it was level, like everyone imagines it, when looking through the telescope so I have something to figure out there as well. But anyway, through the high-power lens Saturn was crystal clear and amazing (and the moon was too, of course). We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful night to see the sky.
It was clear in Portland, OR last night too and the eclipse was really beautiful to see! I loved the rusty color of it. I can imagine that a telescope would make the experience just that much more interesting! Thanks for the nice pics (:
I was surprised at how many people went out to see the eclipse. I'm glad you had a clear view too!
Great pics! Saturn is amazingly clear. May I come to your house in 2010 when the next total lunar eclipse is and see it through your telescope? We could have a luney party!
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