I'll probably plant fewer zucchini plants next year, and more beans and peas in their place. I could crunch on fresh beans all day. And yesterday I picked the first handful of sugar snap peas, and they were fantastic. Better than fantastic, really. I definitely wish I had more of those in the garden. I have really enjoyed the whole garden experience this summer (obviously).
But anyway. Today I found out what happens if you leave post-its out on the table....

...an hour (maybe more) of quiet entertainment. Which is definitely worth the $.72 they cost.
Send some bread our way! Or better yet, we'll take some zucchinis!
If I thought the zucchinis would make it in the mail, I would definitely send you a bunch. The bread would do better, I'm sure. Three of the four loaves I made have already been given away, but maybe I'll try mailing some the next time I have a baking day.
Love the post-it note look you're going for in the living and dining room. Very trendy.
Way to go on the bread. I got into baking about 6 months ago. Be careful, it's addicting. Also, I didn't notice the updated picture until now. Gotta love Hawaii. Did you guys hear about the shark bite last week?
Delicious bread!
Eric, I think this is one of the first comments I left with the new picture, so actually you noticed right away.
I didn't hear about the shark bite. What happened?
It happened right by the beach where we were all playing tag that last night (two islands, boats with paddlers going by). A tiger shark bit a guy's leg and then left him. He's ok, but it was the first shark "attack" in 20 some years.
Wow. That sounds pretty crazy. Was he surfing? Seems like he'd have to be out a little ways, or did the shark come close to shore?
I was going through the Hawaii pictures today to order a few more prints. I wish I was there, shark bites and all.
Teresa, the post-its are even less of a commitment than spreading starched fabric on your walls!
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