I'm doing everything I can to prevent that this year. We have zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, watermelon, and various herbs, all doing very well. The zucchini and tomatoes have kind of taken over. They are high enough you can't even see the rest of the stuff behind them. I have a feeling that if anything, we'll be eating lots of zucchini bread this fall. And so will everyone we know.

Its going much better than I expected, actually. I was excited when they started flowering, and even more excited when I started seeing tiny little veggies. I'll really be happy the day I need a cucumber and can go out in the backyard and pick one. The watermelon is the only one that hasn't flowered. It sprouted quickly, but seems to have slowed way down. Mike's money is on us NOT getting a melon from the plant, but I think we might. I'm not really sure what to expect yet.

And I love this little tiny broccoli. Its taken a lot of willpower since I discovered it to not eat it. Its perfectly bite-sized right now. Claire's pansies are doing great as well.

Everything looks so good! My mom used to have a big garden and I can remember grazing from it all summer. Good stuff!
Garden looks nice...
I'm sure Jack likes to go scavenging through there!
Thanks! It would be awesome to be able to pick and eat fresh veggies all summer. Its looking like everything is going to be ripening around the same time. Hopefully soon you'll be seeing pictures of a freshly picked salad.
Please mail home grown tomatoes!
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