Its so nice to be able to just move right in, as opposed to the last house we bought, where everything was stacked up on one side of the house while we made the other side livable. This time around, we don't have to paint/resurface/replace/fix anything, though there are a few 'just for fun' painting projects in the future (Claire's room, the master bath and possibly Mike's office). Those projects have a much better chance of getting done now that Claire is back in school. Today is her second day, the first full day, and the first day she rode the bus. Very exciting for all of us. The whole routine of getting Claire up and to school and then coming home and having breakfast is so nicely familiar. Mike is usually not home or in bed, Milena goes down for a nap shortly after, and then I have some time to myself. I like to think I'll use it to Get Stuff Done. But actually, I read the paper or play around online.
Last week we spent some time in St. Germain. It was nice to get away for a bit. We had some campfires, watched the sunset, did some mini-golfing (I dominated), and Claire and Mike rode some horses. At Elmer's Saddle Horses.
Elmer must have a good sense of humor.
Fun times.
Also, I found an old picture of Claire, back when she was about Milena's age and had the coolest hair around.

Even together, Dave and Milena can't come close.
Great pics and love your place!
Milena looks so big in that pic! And look at that hair on Claire! Holy Canoli! (and you can tell her I said that!)
The house looks great, and your mornings sound even better.
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