The one night we had there, we used very well. After Mike was finished for the day, we walked to Central Park and FAO Schwartz. Along the way we saw Rockefeller Center, Saint Patricks Cathedral, Trump Tower and the NBA store.

Then we walked to the Empire State Building. We obviously went during a non-peak time, because we didn't have to wait. But it was obvious from the large areas with the mazes of ropes that we were lucky. We bought the audio tour, and it was well worth it. It was fun to be there and look out at all the buildings, but knowing what you were looking at really turned it from 'pretty neat' to 'favorite part of the trip'. On the way back to the hotel we picked up some Subway sandwiches and ate them in Bryant Park while the Yankees game was shown on a huge screen (Mike quickly removed his Sox hat and hid it in a bag). It was just like a drive in movie. Then we went to Times Square to see the lights at night, went back to our room, and crashed.

The next day Claire and I spent most of our time in Bryant Park waiting for Mike, and then we started driving home. I've only driven through Connecticut four times, but three of those times the entire state was one big traffic jam. The only time we went through without a problem was on the way to New York this trip, and that was because it was the middle of the night. It took us 10 hours to get home last night. Twice what it took us to get there because we spent five hours in traffic in Connecticut. Its a pretty state from what I've seen, and we sure did get to spend some time looking at it while we were parked on the freeway.
Its good to be home. Mike left today for a camping trip at Baxter State Park. I'm sure he will have a great time hiking. Hopefully the weather holds out for him. Its suppose to be rainy. And hopefully, Claire and I can get some stuff done thats been on our To Do List for far too long.
Sounds like a fun trip, but don't tell me you didn't get a giant slice of pizza somewhere?!
Great trip!
Sheila, thanks for regularly putting links in your blogs. It makes it so easy to see and learn more about places you talk about.
Looks like Michael John has quite a hike in front of him.
We did not get a giant slice of pizza. Sorry Eric. Claire would have loved it, though. She talks about the pizzas we had in Hawaii as the best part of the trip.
Mike is going to love the hike. He's been wanting to go since we got here. Claire obviously wouldn't have been able to make it, and its been raining as forecasted. So I'm glad I'm at home in the rain rather than in a tent in the rain.
Awesome that you guys got to go to NYC! What a great place to visit - especially since you got to stay downtown!
btw, few people know this but "Connecticut" is actually the native American word for "traffic jam between Boston and New York"
I just got back from hiking in Baxter. The knife's edge was great and the weather cooperated just long enough. I will post when I get my pictures ready.
I love NYC. It sounds like you fit everything you possibly could in and had a great time. Did you have breakfast at Tiffany's? :)
Hi Sheila, I've been enjoing your family stories a lot but most of all the way you tell them. You have the talent girl. Thanks again.
The best to you three. Bozena
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