Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Last Days of Summer

School starts September 1st.  Eight more days, but who's counting?

We spent some more time in Door County earlier this month.  There is enough to do there that we can easily find something new each time we go, but we've definitely found some favorites as well.  Peninsula State Park, for example.  Milena enjoys the water, Claire enjoys the sand.  There are boats to rent and trails to hike.  A tower to climb, a nature center, lighthouse, snack shop. Something for all of us.  Milena is pretty happy with any of it, and in general won't leave willingly.  Luckily for us, she's pretty content to be carried off as well.

We visited the park twice while we were there.  The first day was overcast, but perfect for sitting on the beach.  The second day was beautiful, and we made sure to stop at as many overlooks as possible.  And we made Claire get out of the car each time so she could enjoy it as well.  She even glanced up from her book a few times.

We played some mini-golf as well.  I have to say, I am pretty awesome at mini-golf.  I know because I've beaten Mike 100% of the times we've played.  I also took this picture of Milena and realized she's a full on toddler now.  She looks more kid than baby.  I think that may have happened overnight, but now she's running instead of walking and she's fine on the stairs.  She's talking all the time, even using some real words.  She's big, all of a sudden.

We ended up cutting the Door County portion of our trip a bit short and stayed with my family for a few days.  It had been a while since we'd seen them.  Also, the heat and humidity broke and we enjoyed a few fantastic evenings and nights playing around outside.   

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