Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Picture a Day

One of New Years resolutions was to take one picture every day. So far its going awesome. I don't think I've missed a day yet. I find I take a lot of pictures with my iPhone (the best camera is the one you have with you). I play around a lot with my LensBaby. And I end up with some awesome pictures I'd never have had if not for the picture-a-day goal. So its going exactly as planned.

Most of the pictures are of the girls. They are obvious favorite subjects, but I have to say I am looking forward to when there will be some pictures taken outside. I'm ready for winter to head on out, but I'm pretty easy to please. I'd be totally happy with a day where the temps get all the way up to the mid-30's and the sun makes it feel even warmer and you can go out without a jacket and still be comfortable. Or, you know, Maine's forecast for this week of temps in the mid to upper 40's. Where if it snows, it'll all just be melted off in a few hours anyway.

It did not take long to get spoiled.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Favorite iPhone pics

I use my iPhone camera much more than I thought I would. I can even get a really nice 5x5 print from it. The only downside is that pictures stay on the phone for a long time because I rarely sync it with the computer. But I did last night, and so, here are some of my favorite pictures, taken with my iPhone.

Claire and I having fun on a walk.

Playing in bed with Milena while living at the apartments in Madison.

Claire and Mike walking home from the bus stop on her 6th birthday.

On the way to the bus stop.

Mike and Jim at Niagara Falls, making the drive from Maine to Wisconsin.

Claire dressed up and standing on the window seat at the apartments in Madison.

Milena in her stroller.

Milena keeping an eye on me.

Claire and Mike watching the sunset at Lake Saint Germaine, WI.

Milena and Jim "watching football".

And my favorite of the favorites. Claire feeding a giraffe a cracker, but then changing her mind a the last second, and letting the cracker drop. I was very fortunate to catch this, just as the cracker falls from her hand, especially with the (compared to my Nikon) slow response time of the iPhone.