We took Claire out of school for the day so she could come along and see the ultrasound. I think at first she was very unimpressed. She sat in the chair and read books. I don't blame her, those black and white pictures can be pretty obscure. But she really got into it when the sonographer started looking at the spine and ribs, which were much more identifiable than other parts. She was also very interested in the actual ultrasound machine.
Everything looks great. We even got a thumbs up from the baby. And we stuck to our decision to not find out if its a boy or a girl. We'll know in 20 more weeks!

Yeah for baby deuce!
That's cool that Claire got to experience the ultrasound as well.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he/she is beautiful!!!
Now I want to see a picture of you, Sheila!
love and congrats-
We are so excited for you! Looks like you have a future doctor on your hands. :) -Amanda and Adam
So exciting! Glad to hear all is well with you and the babe.
Yay! I'm glad baby is doing well. Claire will be such a great big sis!
The doctor called, but I had to promise not to tell AnYoNe if I'm having a new granddaughter or grandson...I'll tell you what the doctor told me in 20 weeks!
Congrats on the baby! We are expecting probably around the same time as you guys. It's been a long time, looks like you guys are doing well.
James and Winnie
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