I was also able to make a stocking for myself, and hang it with the others on an actual fireplace for the first time. Claire and Mike have had a stocking for the past few years, but I never got around to mine. We missed St. Nicks night, which was on December 5th, but we're planning on making it up this weekend. Our tradition is that each person puts a small present in everyone else's stocking. Usually its something hand made or some candies. Claire is old enough this year to handle it herself. It will be fun to see what she comes up with.
Completely unrelated, I've been using the side bar on the blog as a place to put stuff I've been looking at online. I'll probably keep four or so things up, and just rotate the oldest ones off. I also have a poll about the color of lights on your tree. We've always had clear. A lot of people I've talked to have a definite opinion, and it made me curious. So please vote, if you will. Its only for my own entertainment.
Beautiful tree, guys!
We always had multi-colored lights, I believe. I like the interactive voting on the blog now!
I love your tree, it really looks festive! Clear lights for me, both on the tree and for outdoor use.
Your tree looks magical. Has anyone found the pickle?
I am enjoying the additions to your blog.
We have no lights on our Christmas plant, but we do have clear lights everywhere else. (So I voted twice...don't tell.)
I like the poll too. Its fun. Not sure how often I'll do it with all of five voters, but I really wanted to try it out.
You closed your poll too early. We have clear lights. Hope you all are having fun preparing for Christmas. We are doing cut out sugar cookies today. Merry Christmas!
I can't vote. :(
We have multi-colored lights this year, but always have had white in the past.
Sorry guys! I had the poll up for a week. I'm sure I'll come up with another. I like the interactive-ness.
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