Saturday, September 10, 2005

Spinal Headache - Ouch!!!

There were a couple comments regarding complications after a spinal tap, I thought I would blog a response. There is a crazy contrast here between Sheela's artistic pictures and family notes and my medical stuff. I guess this is true insight into our family! If you have any medical questions, feel free to fire away and I will post a response anonymously.

The headache after a spinal tap is appropriately termed a "spinal headache." They say the pain is unbearable. Amazing that two different people in our family had one. There is a 3% chance of getting one if a very small needle is used (more like 15% with a medium size needle). If it doesn't improve with time a blood patch is tried. This is where blood is injected in the space around your spinal cord and it actually clots over the hole left by the original injection.

I read today that some ER doctors call their patients 24-48 hours after their shift to see how they are doing. It really improves compliance (did you call your doctor and make that appointment? are you feeling better with that medication?). I like the idea. Has anyone ever heard back from an ER doc? Just curious.


Leslie Fedorchuk said...

Yep - it was years ago, but I remember being amazed that he had called to ask.

You're right about the blog working on two different astral planes - I love it....

So - Dr. Mike - my original issue going into the hospital was a migraine - I've had 'em since I was a teenager. In fact the only times I haven't had them was when I was pregnant. What's up with that?

Maybe all of your aunts will start playing "stump the nephew" OR "crazy family question of the day" in response to your medical posts.... HAH

Anonymous said...

No, but when I broke my arm and you weren't going to let me go to the hospital, the surgeon's wife sent me a get well card... bet you can't guess who I am, Mike...